Outsider in the Room

Many times you need an external leader to observe and sense your Leadership meetings or a Strategic discussion to get an outside perspective, either from a customer angle or a team synergy & a decision-making perspective.

The gift of coming from the outside is that she/he doesn’t need to have any reverence for how things have been done before, look at the set norms etc., in fact, what we do is to bring a different vantage point to everything the organisation is trying to tackle and using our distance as an outsider to help rethink literally everything.

We know that this is not a normal process in organizations but we strongly recommend you to try this once so that you could listen to the unspoken, experience a healthy discomfort and get a different perspective to the solutions you need to create, who knows you make learn the art of conversational intelligence to better co-create in the future.

many times you need an external leader to observe and sense your leadership meetings.